About Us

Ether Starts

We created Googe.World in 2012 out of a desire to help individuals and families. Helping to foster more effective communication, increasing financial well-being, and building healthier lifestyles, are just a few of the ways we aim to serve.

Mediation Services

Infinite Options

Unified Solutions Throughout the Globe

In the modern era, everything is connected. Should we stand United or Divided? Googe.World was created in 2012 out of a desire to serve individuals and families. We’re all about the simultaneous creation of more dynamic lives and a better world. With right mind, strong body, and clear vision – growth happens fast.

GW Maximized Incremental Growth

We are offering individualized TENNIS instruction to each of our clients, of all ages, focusing on the whole person and athlete, rather than loose estimates based on size, bias, and age.

Our games and approach keep everyone moving, improving, and having fun regardless of a player’s experience level. We modify our lessons based on player ability, drive, and discipline. We help athletes choose the racket, balls, and approach that best fits their needs, goals, and expectations.

Coach to Athlete Ratios: 1 to 8 or less


If you’ve ever attended a training session with 1 coach and 15 kids, you hopefully realized at that moment a better way was possible. They simply can’t offer your child any real care or personalized training under those conditions. Our classes offer a 6 to 1 average athlete/coach ratio. We know the kids by name and treat them as unique players on the rise.


The other guys: If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas for improving a lesson, you may have found it challenging to find a listening ear or watchful eye after attempting to reach out to their athletic facility/managers/owners. An auto email comes back to you 10 seconds later. An actual person taking responsibility is hard to find – even at the facility itself.

Unified Solutions Throughout the Globe

Us: you voice or text your need and then see a quality response within minutes or hours. You’re given priority. Your child learns more and has a better experience. Constant access and improvement ensues.



Calgary weather changes every 15 minutes. Vacations in search of warm weather are part of many routines. It’s not a matter of IF you will be rescheduling or “shuffling” some tennis bookings… but how many times per week or month it will be needed. Others won’t pick up or will charge you for classes you can’t attend.

We provide you 10-20 hours of class time that you can use at your convenience, never paying for time spent in Mexico or inconvenienced by Calgary rain or snow.

Picking your child's ideal partners

seth corey tennis camps arizona kids

Think it makes a difference what kind of personalities and ability levels your child is training with/against? You bet it does. The good memories and friendships last a lifetime and the negative/bullying experiences need to be stopped before they start. We stay vigilant, ever optimizing the best pairings while remediating any influences that can undermine top quality instruction and atmosphere.

Junior and Adult recreational tennis and athletics

We’ll teach you how to move, think, analyze, and take ACTION on and off the court. Two components increasingly missing in many lives – physically, mentally, and emotionally – are BALANCE and ATTENTION. How great can an athlete’s performance and general life become when these are restored and no longer leaking?

This game can change lives every time we engage, on a sunny outdoor court or in a wintery gym that is warmed by continuous drive, fun competitions, and movement.

Competitive Games and Tournaments

We like to compete and keep score. We prefer fair matches that push both players to set personal records in performance. The way a player handles their win, loss, or momentary challenge sometimes proves more climactic than the short term outcomes.

We work closely with partners throughout the city to see that your progress and growth in Tennis (and Everything else!) will be ongoing.

“Nothing comes easy, but as long as you’re breathing, you’re always one breath away from making your dreams a reality. Make every breath count.” – Kai Greene

kids tennis classes

FLOW - more than sport

We help clients get in shape. We can change the whole game. From being in a good headspace to proper footwork, and quite possibly every body part assisting in between, just follow this old advice:

“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” Teddy Roosevelt

There is a better way to approach this game and all the others. Slow it down but never stop. Stay in motion. Properly channel your emotion. Constantly renew, reenergize, and maintain an elastic resilience with every new shot.

Thank you for joining us. Welcome to a better way of moving through sport and life.

Shane Gerzon-Kessler

Health & Wellness Classes

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